To set the same options on the command line, use EXTRA_ARGS='-trace -trace-structs' make. To get waveforms in VCD format, add Verilator’s trace option(s) to the EXTRA_ARGS make variable, for example in a Makefile: This will result in coverage data being written to coverage.dat. To enable HDL code coverage, add Verilator’s coverage option(s) to the EXTRA_ARGS make variable, for example: To run cocotb with Verilator, you need verilator in your PATH.Ĭocotb requires Verilator 4.106 or later.Ĭhanged in version 1.5: Improved cocotb support and greatly improved performance when using a higher time precision. One major limitation compared to standard Verilog simulators is that it does not support delayed assignments when accessed from cocotb. In order to use this simulator, set SIM to verilator: Verilator is in the process of adding more functionality to its VPI interface, which is used by cocotb to access the design.Therefore, Verilator support in cocotb is currently experimental.Some features of cocotb may not work correctly or at all.It is highly recommended to use the latest version of Verilator. To get waveforms in VCD format some Verilog code must be addedto the top component as shown in the example below:

In order to use this simulator, set SIM to icarus: Accessing bits in a vector¶Īccessing bits of a vector directly was not possible until (including) version 10.3: If a simulator you would like to use with cocotb is not listed on this pageopen an issue at the cocotb GitHub issue tracker.
In general, cocotb can be used with any simulator supporting the industry-standard VPI, VHPI or FLI interfaces.However, in practice simulators exhibit small differences in behavior that cocotb mostly takes care of.įree update modelsim pe student edition download software at UpdateStar - 1,746,000 recognized programs - 5,228,000 known versions - Software News.